What information do we collect about you?
RISE collects information about you and your family when we first speak to you, when someone refers you to us, and during our work with you. This includes:
- Personal details about you, for example your age, your health, and safe ways to contact you;
- Personal details about your children and the alleged perpetrator;
- Details about what is happening or has happened;
- Any risks that you or your family are experiencing;
- Information about anyone else supporting you.
We also collect information when you voluntarily complete surveys or give us feedback on our services.
Why do we collect this information and how will we use it?
We collect information about you so we can support you and your family to stay safe. Recording this information means we can work to manage risks to you and it helps us deliver a service which best meets your needs.
We also share relevant information about you and your circumstances with other services in RISE.
When and why would we ever share this information with others?
We would only share information with other agencies when we think you or others aren’t safe or where the law requires. This includes:
- If we have concerns for the safety or well-being of a child or vulnerable person, we may have to share information with relevant agencies such as children’s services or adult social care. We will always try to discuss this with you, if it is safe to do so. However, legally we have to share this information with or without your consent.
- If you disclose to us any information about any illegal or offensive weapons which are accessible or about terrorism, we are legally obliged to let the police know. We aim to ensure that any risk to you or anyone else will be taken into consideration in this process.
- When a RISE staff member considers you or your family to be at high risk of serious harm, they may share your information to try and keep you safe. The agencies that we usually share information with in these cases are Victim Support Domestic Abuse Servic, Police, Social Services, or a multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC). Again, we will always try to discuss this with you, if it is safe to do so. We understand that sharing this information can feel stressful, however the role of those agencies is to support and protect families and they are sometimes able to offer resources and support that we are not. Also making these referrals doesn’t necessarily mean that we will stop working with you from that point.
- If you disclose to us that you may harm yourself or others are at risk of suicide, we may share your information with emergency services.
We will also record information about other people. Under the Data Protection Act, they have the right to request to see information about themselves, but not about you. When responding to these requests we would always seek to ensure the safety and security of you and your family.
We may also share your anonymised data for the purposes of reporting, monitoring and evaluation to our funders and to Women’s Aid. If you do not wish for your data to be shared, please let us know.
Can I withdraw my consent to have my information recorded or shared with others?
If you do not wish to allow RISE to record or share your data, please discuss this with your RISE worker so we can still help you reach the services and support that you require.
What do we ask of you?
We ask that you respect the safety and confidentiality of our staff and other clients that you come into contact with. This means not sharing this information with others outside the organisation, including names, telephone numbers and locations of RISE services.
How is your information stored?
Most information will be stored in a secure web-based database which is held in a secure location separate from our offices. Any paperwork will be held in a case file held in secure filing cabinets in the organisation. We will keep your information for six years after you stop working with us, in case there are any problems. Any financial information will be held for seven years as per legal regulations.
How can you see the information we have collected?
You have a right to request to view or receive a copy of information that we hold about you. If you would like to make a request, please write to RISE, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG or information@riseuk.org.uk. We want to make sure that information we hold is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information that you think is inaccurate.