Gambling Harms Project Referrals

Gambling Harms Project Referrals

This form is for caseworkers from Money Advice Plus and Breakeven to refer those experiencing domestic abuse to Rise for casework support.

Please complete the referral form below and we will contact the survivor to assess what we can do to support them.

If you think that the person you are referring is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999.

Gambling Harms Project Referrals

RISE offers support to:

• People who live in Brighton and Hove
• Women and children
• People who have been impacted by some form of domestic violence or abuse in their lives


I have assessed this person to be at:
Would you like a copy of this referral sent to the above address?
Date of Birth
Client Address
Is it safe to: *
Preferred contact method (tick all that apply):
Client has children under 18?

To help us meet your client's needs, please give us some more details about them



Sexual Orientation


Does your client have any of the following disabilities? (Tick all that apply)

Does your client have any of the following accessibility requirements?

Tick all relevant boxes

Mental Health History and Diagnoses

Is your client okay communicating in English?
Does your client need an interpreter?

Your clients ethnicity

Please give us more information about this person's experiences of domestic abuse

Required Services: *