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Whilst most people think of domestic abuse as being something one intimate partner/ex-partner does to another, abuse by your own family or your partner/spouse’s family is also domestic abuse. Rarely a one-off incident, domestic abuse usually forms a pattern of coercive, controlling behaviour which can get worse over time.
Are you being abused?
Please click here and use this list to help you recognise if you or someone you know is being abused. We recognise there may be additional barriers for you in terms of accessing services. For example, you may:
- fear stereotyping or racism from agencies and feel reluctant to ask them for help
- have language needs
- not feel you are being listened to; understood or heard
- fear deportation due to your immigration or asylum status
- worry that your children will be taken away or that you will be rejected by your family or your community.
RISE offers specialised, confidential support for Black and minoritised women. Interpreters may also be available on request. Do not suffer in silence. You are not alone, we understand and we believe you. Please contact us by phone on 01273 622 822