New Accessibility and Language Options available on our website

Posted on December, 2022

We are incredibly excited and proud to announce that we have made a significant change to our website which we hope will make it more accessible to everyone who needs it.

Accessibility and Language Options

We have installed a piece of software called the ReciteMe toolbar. This is a hugely powerful piece of software which brings together loads of different accessibility and language tools in one place, allowing everyone who uses our website to customise it to suit their own needs.

It includes

  • Language translation – so our website can be read in over 100 languages.
  • Colour change technology – so that people who needs to see the screen with – or example – a darker or lighter background
  • Text to speech to make written words audible for people with different levels of sight or literacy - and 35 different speech to text voices
  • Reading Aids including a ruler, screen mask, magnifier, margins, and a dictionary.
  • Font changer
  • And so much more!

The tools inside ReciteMe are designed to support those who have languages other than English as their first language, who are neurodivergent, those who cannot read or write, who have learning disabilities – and everyone who needs extra support to access information.

We know that domestic abuse and violence can affect anyone and so we have been working hard to make sure our website is accessible to everyone. We have more work ahead of us but we are really pleased with this important step forward and hope that it makes a difference to those who need the information and support we provide.

Use the toolbar by clicking the Accessibility and Language Options button at the top of every page