Turn pennies into pounds with Ripples this Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week

Posted on February, 2023

Want to donate to us - but watching the pennies? Ripples helps you make micro-donations automatically in a way you control

RISE Ripples

It's Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week. This is UK’s national week to raise awareness of sexual abuse and violence and to provide an opportunity for any organisation or individual to talk about it.

If you read our website regularly you might already know that 1 in 3 women worldwide will experience violence.

Locally, in 2021/22 5,487 domestic violence incidents and crimes in Brighton & Hove were recorded by the police, of which 3,299 were crimes.

We are working to end this violence - and we need your help. Times are tough for us all but many of you have told us that you want to find ways to help us even if you can't donate £5 or £10 a month. We know that every single penny donated to us makes a, so we hope Ripples will help.

is a donation app that allows you to make small, regular donations. You can set it to 'round up' - so if you spend £2.99 it would 'round up' to £3.00 and donate the penny. Or you can set a weekly donation. And anything you set up can be paused, at anytime.

Watch this video to see how it works and then if it sounds good, sign up online and download the app to get started. Everyone here at RISE thanks you in advance for your help this Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week