International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls 2021

Posted on November, 2021

RISE: End Violence against Women Now!

On the 25th of November, RISE is amplifying the voices of women as part of the International Day to Eliminate Violence against Women (IDEVAW). We are calling for action to increase awareness, promote advocacy, challenge, and seek solutions. We are asking every person in every neighbourhood to stand up to end violence against women now.

Today we are standing alongside survivors and members of our local community to commit to helping women recover from violence and abuse and to advocate for better services and support. We started the day with our partners Freedom Leisure at the top of the I360 doing a powerful women-only exercise class as we rose above Brighton and Hove.

I360 class

Jo Gough, RISE CEO says,

“This is not a day of celebration, it’s a day of mourning for all the lives lost over the 30 years since this date has been marked on the international calendar.

So many women and children have suffered and are still suffering in a world that tolerates their abuse and violence in their homes, on our streets, and across the world. In communities, safety can be hard to find. In criminal justice systems, women are not believed. In states, women are punished for being female and placed second to men. That’s why the 16 Days of Activism, from 25th November to 10th December is so important. It’s a time to be angry together and to plan together – to demand change and to galvanise our energies to support women and children to recover.

In this country, a woman dies at the hands of a man every 3 days (Femicide Census), and 91% of domestic violence crimes causing injury are against women, (Walby and Towers, 2018) with 95% of the highest harm cases across the UK being women (SafeLives, 2019).

Back in March this year, I asked you to join me to protest rather than celebrate (RISE CEO Jo Gough blogs for IWD 2021 | RISE ( ), and today I am asking for you to lift up your voice again for every woman and child harmed. Violence against women and girls is a crisis of global proportions, driven by sexism and women’s inequality in society. Domestic violence and sexual violence thrive in societies that devalue women. We require urgent action to tackle the attitudes and behaviours that drive male violence – how many more losses are we prepared to accept?”

Despite a very difficult year for survivors RISE is continuing our mission to work to tackle the root causes of domestic violence. We are grateful to our partners who are committed to transforming harmful social norms in our communities and giving voice to women and girls.

Only with survivor-centered essential services across policing, justice, health, and social sectors, as well as sufficient funding for the women’s rights agenda, can we end gender-based violence.

Only with women-centred, healing, and recovery services can women build on each other’s strengths to pursue their right to safety and wellbeing. We are delighted to be working with local organisations and residents to shine a light on this important issue during the 16 days of activism and we invite you all to join us on this journey

Orange the world banner

Join RISE for our 16 days of activism, which you can find out about here

Our program of events so far includes:

  • 25/11 - Launching our partnership with Freedom Leisure
  • 26/11 - Henny Beaumont’s ‘Communities Rising’ Artwork premier
  • 27/11 - Final performance of Janette Eddisford’s production of Lucy Kirkwood’s play Maryland at The Lantern Theatre in association with the Royal Court Theatre (all proceeds are being donated to RISE!). This play does have an emotive content warning.
  • 28/11 - The Pension Regulators 16k walk for RISE
  • 29/11 to 7/12 - Education and Engagement with RISE services and opportunities to become involved in volunteering or fundraising, becoming an ambassador, or how to raise awareness or become a community researcher
  • 8/12 - Wellbeing Day with online Yoga 11:00-12:00 (link to sign up to be provided soon), a Neal's Yard wellness session 13:00-14:00 and Drop-In Sessions
  • 9/12 - LGBTQ+ specific ‘Sign & Support, Discuss, Challenge, and Donate’ awareness-raising of resources, petitions, current important causes, and local activism you can get involved in
  • 10/12 - Call to Action with our CEO Jo Gough, and highlights from our activities and online sessions

If you need support or to talk to someone go here to speak to RISE or to the following organisations:

  • Women’s Aid: Women’s Aid’s live chat service lets women chat directly with a support worker:
  • AAFDA: If you have lost a loved one through fatal domestic abuse, contact us to see if we can help you:
  • Galop: National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline. Our helpline is for LGBT+ people who have or are experiencing domestic abuse. We are also here for people supporting a survivor of domestic abuse; friends, families and those working with a survivor:
  • Respect: Respect Phoneline – confidential helpline, email and webchat service for domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them and Men’s Advice Line – confidential helpline, email and webchat service for male victims of domestic abuse: